Seperations of the Dwarves

The dwarves were quickly divided into six subraces. Three subraces were dwarves who obeyed the angels and heeded their warnings while the other three subraces became the evil dwarves. Of the three good subraces there were the mountain dwarves, the sundered dwarves, and the hill dwarves.

The common mountain dwarves, who accepted the fact that they were not allowed to dig too deep, stayed as high up as possible so that they had more ground to mine before they reached too deep. These were also the most numerous, for the angels also warned the divine race that their greed might lead to the destruction of Aspenta.

The other subraces slowly separated from the mountain dwarves and not all of them heeded the warnings of the angels. The sundered dwarfs decided that greed was evil. These came to the surface and asked asylum among the two other races. Some sundered dwarves created whole dwarf cities on plains or in forests. They were the surface dwellers and they were greatly shunned by all other dwarf subraces.

The hill dwarves did not want to hide in caves on top of large mountains so that their greed could be satisfied. They stayed in the hills where they were created and continued mining but kept to the warnings of the angels. They never dug too deep but still dug deeper than the mountain dwarfs. Over time, they became poor, for minerals were few in the upper crusts of the world. The three evil subraces were the Deeps, Gullys, and the Duergar who lost their dwarf name because of their betrayal to the divine race. The Deeps continued as they had always done. They did not heed the warnings of the angels and did not believe that the world would end if they continued on their endeavour to find treasure and destroy the evil underground creatures. They dug deeper than ever before and uncovered treasures only imaginable by few.

The Gullys became the degenerate race of the dwarves. These were still not hated for they were punished. At first they were Deeps and Duergars, but they were those who decided to return to the surface and rejoin the other dwarves. The rest of their society punished them and they became known as the Gully. They were transformed into cowards, filthy creatures without wits who base their survival on dirty tricks. When the Gully finally reached the surface they were not tolerated by any race but they were not hated either.

The last evil subrace was the dwarves who gave the Deeps and the Gully their notorious reputation. These were called the Grey Dwarves at first. They dug deeper than the Deeps and their military prowess became a fear on the surface. They were the first true evil that the world encountered. They came to the surface to destroy and nothing else. They kept to the underground and became more and more powerful soldiers. It wasn't long before everybody, even the angels, decided to relieve them of their dwarf heritage. That was when they changed from Grey Dwarves and became known as Duergars.
